Reports & Policies

Annual Reviews

Please click below to download the Live Music Now Scotland’s annual reviews:

LMNS Annual Review 2021-22

LMNS Annual Review 2020-21

LMNS Annual Review 2019-20

LMNS Annual Review 2018-19

LMNS Annual Review 2017-18

Equality Policy

Live Music Now Scotland is committed to encouraging and promoting equality and diversity as a fundamental underpinning of all its activities, its governance and to the way in which it treats its audiences, staff, volunteers and musicians.

Download Policy

Environment Policy

Our Environment Policy covers all aspects of Live Music Now Scotland (LMNS) operations – from good housekeeping measures such as using both sides of paper prior to recycling, to ensuring that investments made are environmentally sound. The policy also commits us to promoting suppliers and services that adhere to environmentally sound ways of operating.

LMNS is an active member of the Scottish Classical Music Sustainability Group and Creative Carbon Scotland’s Green Arts Initiative.

Click here to view our Environment Policy

Safeguarding Policies

LMNS believes that it is always unacceptable for children and young people and adults at risk to experience abuse of any kind and recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of everyone at risk by a commitment to practice which protects them.

Please click below to download Live Music Now Scotland’s safeguarding policies:

Children & Young People

Adults at Risk

GDPR Policy

Click here to view our GDPR Policy

Privacy Policy

Click here to view our Privacy Policy

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Speak to Us

Find out more about our work and how we might bring music to you and those you work with.

Making a Difference...

How LMNS is providing music and opportunities for people across Scotland.

The PRISMA/LMNS sharing session was an exciting exploration of how music from different cultures combines while providing a space to reflect upon the wonderful adventure the musicians had been on together - and share some of the stories with other members of the LMNS community.

As part of a Creative Scotland Youth Music Initiative, LMNS worked with five local authorities to reach over 1,000 children and young people across Scotland.

Live Music Now Scotland celebrates its 40th Anniversary in 2024/25. “We wanted to celebrate in areas across Scotland, in settings which mean so much to us. These places are where the impact happens", says LMNS Director Carol Main.

A collaboration between Live Music Now Scotland and PRISMA resulted in a Mexico residency for LMNS traditional fiddler Roo Geddes.

We'd Love to Hear from You!

We are always happy to discuss new projects, opportunities or ways that we can help make music happen in your venue or community.