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Contact Us

Carol Main MBE
Director (Live Music Now Scotland & Live Music Now International Development)
0131 332 6356

Kirsten Hunter
General Manager
0131 332 6356

Jo King
Finance Manager 

Katie Rush
Project Manager / Admin Support

Claire Sawers (maternity leave)
Communications Officer 

Cornershop PR (Communications maternity cover)

Making a Difference...

How LMNS is providing music and opportunities for people across Scotland.

The Creative Scotland YMI projects to date, have allowed us to work with pupils in Renfrewshire Council and Fife Council, increasing their school attendance, their engagement with education and nurturing and developing their musical skills.

The PRISMA/LMNS sharing session was an exciting exploration of how music from different cultures combines while providing a space to reflect upon the wonderful adventure the musicians had been on together - and share some of the stories with other members of the LMNS community.

As part of a Creative Scotland Youth Music Initiative, LMNS worked with five local authorities to reach over 1,000 children and young people across Scotland.

Live Music Now Scotland celebrates its 40th Anniversary in 2024/25. “We wanted to celebrate in areas across Scotland, in settings which mean so much to us. These places are where the impact happens", says LMNS Director Carol Main.

We'd Love to Hear from You!

We are always happy to discuss new projects, opportunities or ways that we can help make music happen in your venue or community.