Meet the Musicians

Live Music Now Scotland supports over 100 artists every year, to develop skills and connect with communities across Scotland to build on their performance practice. Find out more about our musicians and listen to them play!

Dani Silver

Resol String Quartet

Iona Fyfe and Rory Matheson

Cordes en Ciel

Eddie Seaman and Luc McNally

Graham Rorie and Aidan Moodie

Megan MacDonald and Calum McIlroy

Clark-Michie Duo

Peter MacPherson

Jacques Carroll-Leitao

Matthew Carmichael and Fergus McCreadie

David Nicholson


Abigail Young and Nick Lauener

Atelier Ensemble

Tròppos Ensemble

Breanna Wilson and Sophie Joint

Mary Reid

Slideshow Trombone Quartet

Frances Copp & Sinae Sung

No Borders Trio

Liv Dawn

The Willows

Magnus Turpie

The Silver Keys


Neil Sutcliffe

Mairi McGillivray and Katie Allen

Ros-Turowska Duo

Jacopo Lazzaretti

Grace Stewart-Skinner

Chloë Bryce and Calum McIlroy

Lark Duo

Josie Duncan and Owen Sinclair

Amy Strachan & Daniel Peter Silcock

Isla Ratcliff & Evie Waddell

Alena Bulatetskaya

Katy Bell

Emma Martin

Kaitlin Ross and Catriona Hawksworth

Scelerisque Duo

New Horizons

Sophie Rocks

Nikita Lukinov

Robbie Greig & Hamish Macleod

Jamie MacDonald and Nicky Kirk

Amy Laurenson and Miguel Girão

Phoenix Duo

Aves o’May

Randolph’s Leap

Penny James & Matt Tighe

Armonia Duo

Siannie Moodie

Sasha Savaloni

Moteh Parrott


Morris Begg Duo

Farzane Zamen

Robert Turner

The All Sorts

Matthew Shiel

New Antonine Brass

Giulia Drummond

Calum Morrison and Catherine Tinney

The Dockyard Trio

Philip J Leslie

Birse and Kilner Duo

Austin Miller

Alex Griffiths and Sinae Sung

Lark Piano Trio

Beth Malcolm and Heather Cartwright

Twogether Duo


Sally Simpson and Catriona Hawksworth

Roo & Neil

Sinae Sung

Campus Trio

Barbara Cole Walton and Alina Horváth

Ellie & Ciar

Vox Duo

Niamh MacKaveney & Calum McIlroy

Eleanor Dunsdon & Kristina Leesik

Morris McIntyre Duo

Juliette and Nicky

The Fountaineers

The Willow Trio

James Lind

Rosie and Anna

Josie Duncan

Juliette and Nicky

Prismatic Winds

The Stone Combo