Peter MacPherson

Peter MacPherson is a Scottish singer-songwriter and pianist based in Inverness. Having graduated from the University of Aberdeen with a degree in music, Peter went on to study Gaelic language and song at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig on the Isle of Skye. In 2021 and 2023, Peter won the prestigious Royal National Mod Silver pendant for Gaelic singing and was a semi-finalist in the BBC Young Traditional Musician of the Year in 2022. Peter sings and plays piano in a variety of different styles including Gaelic and Scottish song, Jazz, folk, pop and country as well as a selection of his own original songs.

‘S e seinneadair, sgrìobhaiche òrain agus cluicheadair-piàna a th’ ann am Pàdraig Mac a’ Phearsain, a tha stèidhte ann an Inbhir Nis. Às deidh dha ceumnachadh à Oilthigh Obar Dheathain le ceum ann an ceòl, ghluais e chun Eilein Sgìtheanaich gus ceum a dhèanamh ann an Gàidhlig agus ceòl aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Ann an 2021, choisinn Pàdraig an duais chliùiteach, An Aigeallan Airgid, aig a’ Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail airson seinn. An ath bhliadhna, fhuair e troimhe chun iar-chuairt dheireannach de Neach-Ciùil Òg Traidiseanta na Bliadhna aig a’ BhBC. Bidh Pàdraig a’ seinn agus a’ cluich a’ phiàna ann an iomadh stoidhle: Gàidhlig agus òrain Albannach, jazz, ceòl dùthchasach, pop agus tuath-cheòl. A bharrachd air an sin, bidh e a’ seinn òrain fhèin cuideachd.

What they play...

Gaelic Song: Eilean Sgitheanach nam Buadh, Eilidh, Duanag an t-Seoladair, A Nighneag a Ghràidh, Morag a Dunbheagain

Scottish Song: Wild mountain Tyme, My Love is like a Red Red Rose, Loch Lomond, Walking on the Waves

Jazz: Moon River, Fly me to the Moon, What a Wonderful World, Accentuate the Positive, Autumn Leaves

Pop: Just The Way You Are, Here Comes the Sun, Have I Told You Lately That I Love You, 45 Years, Just the Two of Us

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